Jill is a recognised Human Resource Manager within the Club Industry with over 21 years experience and until recently formed part of the Executive Management Team at Campbelltown Catholic Club.

Campbelltown Catholic Club is a premier entertainment and leisure destination in South Western Sydney. This multi-award winning Club has diverse businesses delivering services to its 57,000 members in gaming, food & beverage, fitness & leisure, hotel accommodation, conferencing, exhibitions, golf, and entertainment.

As their first HR Manager, Jill was instrumental in building outstanding workplace systems and practices, influential in designing organisational culture and vision and strategically involved the Enterprise Bargaining Agreements since 2010. As a qualified trainer Jill has structured and delivered training programs around leadership, personal development and WHS for its 400 staff.

Jill was instrumental in the initiation and delivery of the White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation process and submission, which led to the Club receiving accreditation in 2018. The White Ribbon Workplace brand is highly regarded within industry and community and Campbelltown Catholic Club was the first to obtain it in the South West Region.

Jill is also recognized by peers and industry leaders with articles of acknowledgement in ClubLife magazine and she was on the HR Advisory panel to Clubs NSW. Her community work is unfailing for those in need prior to starting at the Club, Jill coordinated a fundraising project for the Intellectually/Physically Disabled children of Macarthur and raised $750,000 to build them a Hydrotherapy Pool.

She has been acknowledged over the years and continues supporting women experiencing Domestic Violence by volunteering her services in the following:

  • Chairperson of the Management Committee for WILMA. A Health and Wellbeing Centre for women experiencing domestic violence or homelessness.
  • Community Member of the Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee.
  • Steering Committee Member for Camden Women’s Community Shelter.

Jill is a strong advocate for shifting the paradigm and changing social norms around domestic violence.

Jill has also been the recipient of many Awards over the years:

  • Winner of Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award 1997 (Community)
  • Community Service Award (1997)
  • Minister of Education Award for Excellence to Public Education (1998)
  • Winner of the Australian Human Resource Industry Prize for Excellence (2002)
  • Winner of Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award 2003 (Hospitality)
  • Nominee Telstra Business Women of the Year 2004
  • Articles of acknowledgement for achievement in Human Resource Management “Ignite Your Potential” Book by M. Pascoe & Clubs NSW Magazine April 2009 Edition. Article of acknowledgement for achievement in Club Industry – Clublife Magazine 2010.

Jill has a Masters Business Administration, Masters of Strategic Human Resource Management and Graduate Diploma of Counselling and currently studying Masters of Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy. Her philosophies are, “never give up on your goals and if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life”.